You do not have faulty software as there is NO Design Wizard on the main toolbar or in the program. It was removed before production and on the early version the help file was left incorrect.
eXpressit 2.1SE is a simplified program that doesn't require a design wizard for its use; it concentrates on making the program as easy as possible for the user.
For more complicated editing of images, use a high-end photo editing programming like Photoshop and then import the image.
How do I access the image Library? A library of over 800 images is included with the CD-Rom version of exPressit™. Due to file size restrictions we are unable to offer the full library with the...
When I try and import images my machine locks up. Although there is no technical limit to the size of image file to be imported, smaller files often work better. Therefore often the best way to get round this problem is to...
How do I create a design for a label? These instructions show you one way to build a new label starting from scratch, without using a template of any kind. Using a template, or just a text template will always...