What is LightScribe?
A technique for using the laser of a DVD burner to create a design on the top surface of a disc. Basically all you have to do is burn the data on one side, flip the disc over
Last Modified - 2007-02-14 - Similar Articles
What is LightScribe version 2?
Version 2 of the discs (We are currently using Version 1.2) is a 'speed enhanced' version of the disc. Essentially it allow you to burn the design onto the discs upto 20% fast
Last Modified - 2006-10-02 - Similar Articles
What is LabelFlash?
This is a rival technology to Lightscribe that uses the same basic idea of a burner creating a design on the disc. The discs are a dark blue that gets lighter as the laser bur
Last Modified - 2007-02-14 - Similar Articles